Friday, October 29, 2010

anthro. part two.

part two: accessories.
1. Do The Strand Necklace. $458
-this necklace is waaay too expensive so i'll probably never own it but it is the coolest necklace i have ever seen. strands of mini leather bound books! being the book worm that i am (remember i want to be an editor?) this is seriously the perfect necklace for me. maybe my friends and family will realize this and all pitch in to get it for me. (hint, hint)
2. July on Mackinac Necklace. $98
-this is such a fun necklace. it would add a whimsical touch to any outfit.
3. Petal Pouf Bag. $88
-this bag reminds me of an old lady's knitting bag which i love. i have an unusual love for old things or things that remind me of old things. (or things that old people would have) :)
4. Lovingly Prescribed Bag. $198
-i really like the structure of this bag. it reminds me of an oversized coin purse and i love the military vibe it has and the giant wooden buttons.
5. Pony Prix Tights. $28
-aren't these so cute? horses on tights. love it. clearly i have a thing for horses as seen in my freak out over the dress with horses on it in part one. these also come in a fox print. yes please.
6. Lost Glasses Sweater Tights. $38
-i love all these knit tights with unusual items on them. i feel like tights can be such a huge impact on an outfit and i love that these would add such an unexpected bit of playfulness.
7. Wingspan Heels. $98
-these remind me so much of vintage shoes from the 30's. and of peacocks. love.
8.Show Jumping Boots. $348
-i have been searching for some caramel colored flat riding boots and these are lovely. if only my wallet didn't faint every time it saw the price.

up next, home things in part three. see you then.

1 comment:

Sherin said...

I love the #3 bag and #7 shoes. They're both great.